Build a Better Bug Out Bag (BOB) – Part 1

When disaster strikes, there's only one human instinct that prevails: Survival. It's the key to our existence. Being prepared when calamity happens is something we all should take the time to learn. In this post, we talk about Bug Out Bags, also known as BOB, and how it can help us prepare for an emergency.

You can call a Bug Out Bag a variety of ways such as 72-hour Kit, Personal Emergency Relocation Kits (PERK), or battle box, but I personally prefer BOB because it's easier and more popular. BOBs are typically portable supplies kits that contain items you will need within three days (72 hours) after you have evacuated from a disaster zone. Take note, BOBs are different from other types of emergency kits and they're not meant for long term survival. However, with a well-assembled BOB, you can even pack a whole bunch of necessities that can last up to a week.

So why do people put together a Bug Out Bag in the first place? We already know that it's meant for emergencies. The rationale of a BOB stems from the idea that if you live in a place where natural disasters like hurricane and tornadoes happen too often, you have at least 72 hours to get reached by disaster relief organizations. So, if you're on your own, you need food, water, heat, clothing, batteries, tools and other essential stuff to keep you alive. Moreover, you should also consider packing BOB items that will help you extend your resources so you could get home safely when it's all over.

Anyone can build a BOB. But where do you start? First off, you should have a checklist such as this one from FEMA. A truly comprehensive list Tacmor recommends you should have can be downloaded here.

Water - A gallon per person per day, additional if you have pets. There's always the possibility that you may run out, so pack water purification supplies such as the Aquamira Emergency Water Filtration or purification tablets and tarpaulins that serve two purposes: shelter and water collection.

Food - Meals Ready to Eat (MREs), SurePak Complete Meals, and other non-perishable food that only need a little bit of heating before they're ready.

First Aid Kit - Many first aid kits come already packed in MOLLE. Make sure you have everything included from aspirin to bandages.

Fire Starters and Cooking Supplies - Matches, lighters, flashlights, mess kits, can opener, pocket stove, fuel gel. While we may have ready to eat food, we still need supplies to cook our raw food and provide heat and lighting.

Camping Gear - Tacmor has a variety of Sleep and Sit items, shelters, personal survival blankets, bedding, and even portable toilets for the BOB.

Clothing - Clothing with proper insulation lets you stay warm, dry and comfortable such

Build a Better BOB – Part 2 (Tips and Hints)
Many people die of disasters whether natural or not because they refuse to leave their homes. When something extreme like an attack, hurricane or torn...
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